Saturday, February 6, 2016

TOY CUSTOM: Captain America (modern / concept)

Here's my attempt to update my default  Capt. America figure in my collection.

        Ever since Hasbro released the Marvel Universe Capt. America using the modern buck, I've always made him my default Capt. America in my display. This is just a great figure overall and arguably the best and definitive version of Cap in the line. However, it does look too classic for me. Not that it's bad, but I've always wanted to customize a more modern looking Cap for my main shelf. So here's what I did.

I patterned the look after the Ultimate version, since I wanted it to look more real and tactical.

Head - Retained the original head of the MU/MIS Cap, and sanded off the wings and added chin straps.
Torso - I used the MU Ultimate Cap body since I wanted him to have scales.
Lower Arm - Got these from the CATFA Ultimate Cap figure.
Belt - From a GI Joe figure
Upper Legs - Retained the ones from the MU/MIS Cap
Lower Legs - I used a combination from the MU Ultimate Cap, then I glued on Steve Rogers' boots from the Winter Soldier line.

I assembled and painted them afterwards, and here's how it turned out.

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