Thursday, August 16, 2012

You've Got Mail!: Toy Expo VIP Night Invite

Two days ago, someone in Facebook was asking toy bloggers to send in their full name, email, and blog site for a chance to get invited on the VIP Night of Toy Kingdom's Toy Expo. Just for the sake of trying, I did send in my details and blog site without really expecting on whether or not I get an invite. However, when I checked my email after I got home from work today I saw this! It's an email inviting me to the VIP Night of Toy Kingdom Toy Expo on August 22 at SMX Convention Center! I never even thought I'd receive an invite or even a reply from them! 
 However there's a dilemma. The 22nd of August falls on a Wednesday, which means I do have work on that day and I only get to go out at 5pm. (darn it! why not put the event during the 2 day holiday -_- ) So I'm not sure if I can attend the said event or not.  Anyway, to be invited is an honor itself, and whatever happens, if I do attend or not, I'm glad to have been given the chance. As a French phrase goes, C'est la Vie!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

REVIEW: Marvel's Jubilee

It's been a long while since my last review, and I've been itching to do more. My initial plan was to do a complete take on the Wave 18 and 21 figures however getting employed got in the way of things and messed up my free time (Though I'm not complaining, it's hard to live a bum's life broke. Having a job guarantees you more money for more plastics. Lol!) So without further a do, here's 1/3 of Marvel Universe's Wave 21 lineup, Jubilation Lee.