Sunday, January 17, 2016

TOY HAUL: Bootleg/KO/Overrun Haul XMO Deadpool

Finally got to reunite this version of DP to my Deadpool family, after selling it years ago.
 Not bad for a bootleg figure.


  1. How do you know it's a bootleg?

    1. It's unconfirmed that it's a bootleg... These are probably overruns that didnt pass quality check since most of them have sloppy paint app and loose joints.. Tons of these figure have been popping out locally at a low price.

  2. Were you able to identify the difference between the authentic and the bootleg now?I seriously want to know how they come up with the conclusion that it's a bootleg.I tried to find some answers online but only Marvel Legends line has the confirmed bootleg figures upon checking (spent hours to find an answer and failed).Hope you can answer this.Thanks!

    1. i haven't really compared it yet.. but I assume these are overruns.. meaning they didn't pass quality control.. the figures seems legit, however the paint application are a bit sloppy.. some joints have excess plastics as well

  3. Bootleg, not overrun. Slight difference in plastic quality, and the paints were applied poorly. Definitely not the same quality overall.
