Saturday, August 26, 2017

TOY CUSTOM: Multiple Man

Did something for my collection. Tried to replicate Hasbro's Multiple Man to accompany the lone one in my collection.

        There was a point in time when I had small collection of armies limited to around 2-3 figures per character. But I decided then to sell them and just leave one of each. To this day, I regret that decision since it's difficult and kinda expensive to obtain them now. So I decided to resort to customizing and try to replicate them.
Throwback! :(

        For Madrox I decided to create 2 copies, to serve as the "multiples" for my original Multiple Man figure. Decided to use a Northstar body, and attempted to recast a Multiple Man head then handpainted everything.

that one casualty though XD

        It was challenging to replicate the color tone of this figure. Even the lining of the decals was a challenge to hand paint. Wasn't perfect but overall I'm satisfied with the result as it looks somehow identical with the original figure. Now I don't have to hunt and spend for more LOL!


  1. Awesome. I'm trying to replicate some myself. Going in a different direction though. Trying to put the M tat on mine. I hope to display something someday. Thanx for the inspiration.

    1. I'm glad to have made this inspire you. Looking forward to your work as well! Keep on grinding :)
