Sunday, October 9, 2016

TOY CUSTOM: Ultimate Thor (concept)

Just finished this personal project on the side, while still working on the last pieces of my Classic X-Force lineup. Here's a concept version of Ultimate Thor.

Battle Hammer Thor from the Avengers movie toyline
        Decided to modify the Ultimate Thor figure that came from the Avengers movie toyline since I wasn't really fond on how it looked. The design I went with is loosely based on a conceptual artwork I found on the net.

         So what I did was to add some sculpt on his forearm, knees, legs and torso to make him look like he's wearing some armor. Resculpted the hair as well, giving him a messy ponytail look. Repainted the whole figure to add some grit to his overall look. Also did some paint work on is hammer to add some realistic look. Also gave the figure some added wrist swivel for added poseability.

adding some wrist swivel

1 comment:

  1. Me gusto el tallado del pelo, también colecciono, figuras 3.75" y 4".

    Me gusta tus personalizaciones en Republica Dominicana, no podemos conseguir el plastico que utilizas para esculpir.

    Quisiera saber que tipo de pintura utiliza para las figuras por que quisiera repuntar y hacer mis propias fituras, sólo he hecho a el agente coulson 3.75".
