Wednesday, October 22, 2014

TOY HAUL: X-Force custom set | ROML Ultimate Cap & US Agent

Apologies for this VERY LATE POST! :|

Toy Conventions are a great time for collectors to make and setup a deal since most collectors gather up in the same location. Not only can you get your fix, inside the convention selling area, but most of us get our share from meetups. In this case, here are my 'meetup hauls' during the previous  Collecticon.

The reason why I haven't been much active in posting, is that because I've been busy with a lot of things that involves work, and my old beloved hobby which is customizing figures. I've been busy finishing my 2nd commission custom which I'll be featuring here soon. I've deeply immersed myself in this hobby after knowing how to prep the figures properly though I know I have soooo much to learn in terms of techniques, sculpting and such. I do need more tools as well,  and hopefully soon I can own myself a rotary tool. :|

To cut to the chase, here I got an awesome custom X-force set from Bamm that includes the ff:
-Wolverine (with both closed fists)
-Wolverine ( both closed fists, and all bloodied up)
- Warpath (replaced hands for a better looking grip)
- Fantomex
- Rahne
- Vanisher
- Elixir
- Archangel with extra head

This set is so freaking badass once I saw it personally! Bamm's choice of parts were near perfect! I've been wanting to do this group, and it's so timely that this one popped up in of the selling groups in Facebook. I'm just so glad I got this, as it puts me a headstart on what I wanted to do. Having a go signal from Bamm, I can't wait to retouch and or repaint each and everyone of them. The first thing I want to do, is to prep the figures joints and parts so as to reduce joint rubs, after that I'll have them sport the same shade of gray so as to make them look cohesive on my shelf.
Probably resculpt some things, like Elixir's hair and that sort of stuff. Will surely keep you guys posted on this project I'll call, Operation X-force! :D

Oh! also got some MLs for a custom project for MU! Can't wait to get started on those too! :D

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