Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TOY HAUL: Marvel Universe Multiple-Man

I was finally able to complete my X-men related figure checklist yesterday. Got these items from a fellow collector who's selling them as a set. I was really eyeing this set from the time he posted it back when it was sold for Php 3,000. However I wasn't willing to pay more than SRP for a loose figure. After weeks, he posted the same item but at a lower price. I immediately put a dibs on 2 figures, and fortunately two other collector dibs on the remaining 3 as well. I was the one who meetup with the seller since I'm just a 15 minute jeep ride away from the meeting place. Got there on time, and was able to bring them all home with me until their respective owners get theirs from me. Seeing them together on hand feels great since I'm not really an army builder type of collector and seldom do I see these many of the same figures right in front of me. If I had a choice, I wanted to keep them all, but for my pocket's sake I'd stick with my army-of-two vow. Cheers!